sâmbătă, 13 august 2011

Leoaica tânără, iubirea♥ Nichita Stanescu

Leoaica tinara, iubirea
mi-ai sarit în fata.
Mă pindise-n incordare
mai demult.
Coltii albi mi i-a infipt în fata,
m-a muscat leoaica, azi, de fata. Si deodata-n jurul meu, natura
se facu un cerc, de-a-dura,
când mai larg, când mai aproape,
ca o stringere de ape.
Si privirea-n sus tisni,
curcubeu taiat în doua,
si auzul o-ntilni
tocmai lângă ciorcarlii.
Mi-am dus mâna la sprinceana,
la timpla si la barbie,
dar mâna nu le mai stie.
Si aluneca-n nestire
pe-un desert în stralucire,
peste care trece-alene
o leoaica aramie
cu miscarile viclene,
inca-o vreme,
si-nca-o vreme...

vineri, 12 august 2011

Walking on Letters: Concurs Tritonic (3)

Walking on Letters: Concurs Tritonic (3): " Hey! Chiar credeaţi că nu vom mai da startul la un concurs? Sper că nu aţi gândit aşa, pentru că dacă aţi făcut-o, v-aţi înşelat amarnic..."
M-am gandit ca nu ar fi o pierdere sa ma inscriu si eu, desi nu prea am noroc de obicei. ;))
Site-ul are articole super interesante, vizitati-l si voi!:) http://fan-fic-twilight.blogspot.com/

Let's talk about love♥ Celine Dion

Everywhere I go all the places that I’ve been
Every smile is a new horizon on a land I’ve never seen
There are people around the world - different faces different names
But there's one true emotion that reminds me we're the same...
Let's talk about love

From the laughter of a child to the tears of a grown man
There's a thread that runs right through us all and helps us understand
As subtle as a breeze - that fans a flicker to a flame
From the very first sweet melody to the very last refrain...

Let's talk about love
Let's talk about us
Let's talk about life
Let's talk about trust
Let's talk about love

It's the king of all who live and the queen of good hearts
It's the ace you may keep up your sleeve - ‘til the name is all but lost
As deep as any sea - with the rage of any storm
But as gentle as a falling leaf on any autumn morn...

Let's talk about love - it's all were needin'
Let's talk about us - it's the air we're breathin'
Let's talk about life - I wanna know you
Let's talk about trust - and I wanna show you
Let's talk about love..<3